Considering we only had two jobs for the day and both involved answering the door - how hard could it be? As fate would have it looks like we failed on both counts. I guess it is a way of ensuring you don't get important jobs in the timeframe moving forward.
The first one was a neighbourly duty. Just had to let the chimney sweeps in to the next unit - when they turned up. I must admit I had visions of "chim chiminey; chim chiminey; chim-chim cher-ee" (I am sure @Mindy had a costume for that) - and can solemnly swear and 💯 % vouch for the fact that no-one like that turned up! So didn't get a completion tick for that one.
The second was for a dress that @Mindy had given away through #Marketplace and according to #Ring footage, the lady had turned up and knocked and waited nearly 5 minutes! It was in a period of time when @Mac was "on duty" - but because he was "multi-tasking" saving his alternate universe, he didn't interact in the real world! Not sure how you can miss someone knocking on the door - and of course, there is "nothing wrong" with @Mac's hearing. The happy ending is that the lady did come back later in the afternoon when the "really responsible" adult was home from work.
PS @Mac wants it noted he wasn't "told" about the dress pickup! I rest my case - just another example of "selective hearing."
For @Micahel @Anthony and @Melinda ... @Dad pretending he can go super sayian as #Goku on DragonBallZ ... if only the hair were orange
When we weren't on door duty, we took off for our walk. It was under grey, cloud filled sky, but the weather APP provided reassurances that there was no rain around. It was a moan and groan cold to start but 90 minutes later on the return walk it was blue skies forever and we were hot!
Love how the clouds sit in the trees - was tempted to run home to see if they were swirling up our Lane again!
I used this opportunity to duck into the "Re-use-it" recycling shop to see if I could score some sort of a waterproof jacket. This "little" OP shop is adjacent to the refuse station and once through the doors it was massive! Despite my best efforts, riffling systematically through row after row of carefully sorted coathangers, I couldn't score anything.
I do have wet weather gear from #Columbia - but it is leaking. On @Mindy's advice, I am going to return it and have it tested because apparently their clothing has a "life of the garment" guarantee. Stay tuned for that outcome.
Wandered around #Nesters, made the trek home carrying our loot and settled in for an afternoon recap of @Mindy's first day back at work. Lots of excitement for day one and loads of potential for the school year ahead.
I have my fingers crossed that I may be able to do some little jobs to help out the teachers for classroom resources or maybe even volunteer in the library or the language programme. Early days - another "we'll see."
On the dinner front, very glad to say that @Mindy did justice to the apple sauce - it was meant to be her day 1 treat for back to work - mind you, we all helped ourselves as well.
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