Going to give that bake sale a big tick. We were obviously not the only kitchen cooking up a #Halloween storm, because there were so many donations. The goal had been to raise $100 - they made over $400! Don't want to blow our own trumpet - but because we had lollies on our little treasures - they just flew off the stall. Was very pleased that we didn't have to bring any home - I am still wary of walking with food and attracting the bears.
The stall was initiated and run by a committee of the year 7 students and they did a fabulous job. All very organised as they systematically invited all of the "divisions" through to make their purchases. Did note that as the sale progressed and it looked like some items weren't moving - they employed astute marketing skills and did some price reductions. Glad they had imposed a "two item" limit on sales, otherwise they would have been sold out before half of the children got a chance to visit.
But the cake stall was the afternoon fun. My morning was spent with the lovely @Ms_W and her class of pumpkin painters. What a morning we had. The children were super excited and attacked those feathers, googly eyes, glitter, pipe cleaners, pom poms and paint with passion! Once the "plans" were submitted, there was no stopping the little artists. Have to confess, there were 6 adults in the room helping the 17 children in attendance - so there was no shortage of support for their every creative need.
After that creative freedom of the morning session, the children rocked up with equal enthusiasm for the serious business of of the next session and I was overwhelmed with "volunteers" to come outside and play "Bingo" with me - mind you, I did have to be on my toes because there were a couple of little #Canucks who were "over competitive" and were jumping the gun with covering words that hadn't been called. Put a stop to those sneaky moves quick smart!
It was a late return from school and I didn't get back home until nearly 3 pm. @Mac had braved the #Nester's walk solo because the grizzly had been relocated and without me dragging the chain and enforcing photos stops and toilet stops, he understandably clocked up a PB. I was on the bus and was receiving incentivised texts as to his purchases! There were only two "essentials" on his shopping list.
A quick turnaround in the afternoon because we had to set up for the ladies evening of painting pumpkins. Think "paint and sip" - but hosted by @Mindy and without the expertise of a guided art instructor. This was roll up with your pumpkin and do your best. My "plan" was to create two vases that could be used as "centre pieces" for our table over the next few days in the lead up to #Halloween.
Popped out the first artistic creation by getting each lady in attendance to provide me with their thumbprint which I attempted to turn into a ghost face. My second one was a red headed vampire. I have historically been challenged by any sort of drawing of a mouth = my round open mouth efforts usually look as if they belong in an "adult" store - but I wasn't going to let that hold me back as I tried to sketch and them paint with confidence - but, you know, some things are never meant to be.
I am convinced, in my mind at least, that I managed to create two "dreadfully frightening" creations which blend in with the other horrors of display. Other ladies obviously had more experience - they were doing MULTIPLE undercoats of white - and were definitely keeping it all very simple. As expected, everyone was extremely encouraging and found something positive to notice on every creation - even mine. Most comments focused on the store-bought flowers that topped my vases!
The best outcome was that with all the girls together, they have successfully tied down the upcoming Hen's Night" for May 2024 for @Mel. Great planning. And (using a #Canuck expression), "it makes my heart smile" to see this group in action. What a great group of girls in this #Whistler_family. They just talk and laugh and share and of course support each other. All easy going and supportive - and such fun loving and adventurous souls and definitely possess that little streak of "naughty" simmering below the surface. No doubt it erupts out when "mothers" are not in attendance.
Meanwhile, the men had opted for their own cultural evening and headed to the local pub for a game of darts. Definitely hit their targets in the beer count, but if truth be told, didn't throw a single dart. "Apparently" all the boards were taken.
A big day and there were a few tired bodies at home tonight. Have left everything set up in the Common Room because tomorrow is round two of pumpkin creativity - the carving with the whole crew! You never know, if the bears visit our porch tonight and pilfer our pumpkins, we could be ruled out of the competition. Here's hoping ..... not sure for which outcome.
PS @Mindy and @Ian brought this treat home for me from #McDonalds - hope they have them at home!
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