Sunday, October 29, 2023

Sitting it out on Sunday

Clear skies just means it is colder over night

 We called a timeout today. It has been a little hectic over the last few days and the smart alternate was to just plonk ourselves in the corner somewhere and relax. That didn't mean that things were quiet around us because it would seem that once the "snow tyres" are on all sorts of other arrangements fall into place.

It was still snooze time for us when @Mindy and @Ian were full steam ahead cleaning up after yesterday and last night's efforts. Meant they had to do a #Nester's run to get rid of all the rubbish and there were numerous loads to get it all into the boot - but they couldn't actually take off until the Sunday opening hours of noon ticked on by.

But the activity in the Common Room precinct seemed to trigger a whole host of activity for "season change." Everything fits in like a jigsaw puzzle - now that summer and the biking, hiking and water activities are over, all of this gear needs to be moved to the storage unit in #Function Junction.  Standup paddle boards and bikes are the first to go to make way for access to the ski gear in all its iterations. This also included the relocation of our empty luggage to inside the unit as a reminder that we were on the countdown for packing up and heading home. 

It is time ... to think about ... going home

And they are not the only ones making this change over. Seems like the group last night was talking it through and there is of course the bigger picture for the Municipality as well. We had already noted that the Christmas lights were being strung. The garden beds have been cleared and are now near naked in #The Village ready for the first fall of snow. The driveways and roadways all feature tall antennae that mark the perimeter of properties and roadways in preparation for the snowploughs. There are enormous piles of wood progressively building outside of houses and units. Work on the chairlift and gondola and the grooming and reshaping of the lower slopes are in full swing and everyone is gearing towards preparation for the re-opening of access to the mountain on November 26.

All sorts of changes as winter preparations are made

One month to go - transforming from biking to boarding

There was a deadline in the day because it was Sunday football and once the 10.15 game time kicked in, the chores were intermingled with stops and starts to catch some highlights. @Mac was dutifully providing the running commentary of the highlights as @Mindy and @Ian continued their mad dashes up and down the highway making swaps and doing deliveries. 

Nothing but football, football and football 

The mood changed for the 12.30 game because the 49ers were on show and the lounge spots filled with the addition of football fans @Phil and @Kevin who took up their prime spots for the multiscreen viewing setup that Ian had going and collectively second guessed every call and flag of the umpires. I think @Mac is going to miss his NFL - he has favourite teams and players he has been following. It would mean some very early starts at home for him to catch these games live.

Not sure that it has been "cold" inside before but for some reason I was feeling it this morning. You can never be fooled by that dim hint of sunlight, filtering through the limbs of the trees and the crisp, clear blue skies. This morning, it lingered on minus 5 until about noon and then slowly climbed to a maximum of 3. First time i have been huddled next to the warm air vent and rugged up in a blanket. @Mindy said my "bones were cold" and I needed to have a hot shower to get rid of the deep cold.  I followed her advice and it certainly did the trick. And it must have been cold because even @Ian was catching his breath as he was dashing back inside during that early morning session.

In lieu of actually doing anything - I did have some time to think about some little differences that have made an impression on me living as a local #Canuck. 

a. The people we have met are so chilled, so polite and so demonstratively affectionate. We have been welcomed everywhere - people have been smiling and patient. When we were touring, it we looked like we were standing with a map in our hands, someone would offer to help. Everyone says please and thank you and invariably if you thank someone - they will respond with a "You are most welcome." I have not seen one passenger on any bus in #Whistler who did not thank the bus driver on alighting.  We haven't seen police or patrols of security (other than going door to door looking for that missing gentleman) and at the same time haven't noted any altercations or brawls or even antisocial behaviour in any venues or on the streets. Amd the standard in your friendship circle is high all round - males amd females - welcomes amd goodbyes to your home - everyone very demonstrative. I figure it's an extra layer of warmth against the chill of winter.

b. As an extension of this - when cars approach a 2, 3 o 4 way set of stop signs at an intersection - it is not a matter who is on the right or left - it is all about "turn taking." I am serious, vehicles just glide in, if you arrived at the intersection first, you take off first - it is all about "turns-ies."

c. Not sure why, because I have never, ever had the need to use one - but every toilet we have been in across the breadth of #Canada has had a toilet brush and a PLUNGER. There are no signs to advise how or when to use a plunger - but it certainly seems as if it is a distinct possibility here. And they are BIG HOO-ERS. Hope my run of "never trying" continues long into the future.

d. There is no litter - and I mean none. Well, none that I have noticed. Guess every community needs a good old natural population of bears to make everyone litter conscious. You don't really see people walking around eating either which might contribute to the cleanliness. The school grounds were immaculate - not a speck of rubbish anywhere.

Bins everywhere - none overflowing - always litter free
Absolutely pristine playground after recess - not a piece of litter in sight

And I think that everyone in #Whistler  (there may be one exception) recycles. When you pull into #Nesters, there are bins amd bays for all types of rubbish. Everyone rocks up with their own little method of sorting - and people run from bay to bay dropping off bottles, cardboard, electoral and garbage.

e. There is no smoking! #Whistler prides itself on its "clean air" and there just aren't smokers walking around. I am sure they are here "somewhere" - I just don't know where. As well as the benefit of the clean air, there's the added bonus that you don't have those piles of filthy cigarette butts covering the pavement. We really noted the smoke once we left #Whistler and started our journey to the east coast. And when we hit the #French speaking towns - yuck, it was back with a vengeance.

f. The clean air quality is a "big" thing. Vehicles are not permitted to have their engines "idling" for longer than one minute in order to help maintain the clean air of the #Municipality.  Only found this one out when @Mindy took me up a little higher to see if we could catch some "flurries" last week. We were the only vehicle in the Sliding Centre car park but @Mindy was quick to turn off the engine to avoid the "idling" fine. 

Municipality guidelines for engine idling!

Don't mind admitting that we have enjoyed the pace of our lazy laid-back Sunday. Starting to cast our thoughts towards the #Southern Hemisphere and transforming our winter garden at home to summer. Grateful that #Harris Lawnmowing was able to duck in to tidy up the yard for us. I somehow have to break it to @Mac that we desperately need to get that topdressing down - maybe I should preorder 🤔  a few cubic metres now as a welcome home surprise. Googling #Nuway now.

PS Had correspondence from #Printhe Wines - perfect timing - should arrive in 7 days.

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